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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 29/2016

Alcohol News – ———————————————————————- CTV News (Canada) – 8-hour ‘bottle to throttle’ rule sets strict alcohol limit on Canadian pilots The case of two Canadian pilots arrested in Scotland on suspicions of being drunk in the cockpit has highlighted the strict “bottle-to-throttle” rules around drinking before operating an aircraft — a set of country-specific restrictions rarely broken by pilots. Newsmax – Alcohol’s Impact on Memory Increases with Age Drinking alcoholic beverages is more likely to cloud…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 28/2016

NordAN Oslo conference – Register HERE –!registration/c1gxf ——————————— Alcohol News – ——————————— The Journal (Ireland) – „You feel invisible” – the Irish children suffering from their parents’ abuse of alcohol THE IMPACT OF harmful drinking on Irish children by their parents has been outlined by a cross-party group at Leinster House. The Journal (Ireland) – ‘As a child of an alcoholic, I am damaged’ Following on from our article on the effect of parents’…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 26/2016

Alcohol News – ——————————– BBC – Euro 2016: Football alcohol adverts seen ‘once a minute’ People who watched Wales’ Euro 2016 game against England on television saw alcohol marketing almost once every minute during play, a study has found. ConsumerAffairs – Why seniors should limit alcohol consumption In recent years there has been plenty of research suggesting that there are health benefits that come with moderate alcohol consumption. Here’s a study suggesting older consumers,…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 25/2016

Alcohol News – —————————————————————- The Irish Times (Ireland) – Three people die from alcohol a day in Ireland, report shows Three people a day die from drinking alcohol in Ireland as the health costs from the drug continue to rise, a new report shows. Medscape (USA) – Outlaw Powdered Alcohol for Kids’ Sake, AMA Says Powdered alcohol has yet to reach store shelves in the United States, and the American Medical Association (AMA) wants to keep…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 24/2016

Reuters (EU) – Heineken F1 deal triggers new call for alcohol ban Dutch brewer Heineken’s sponsorship deal with Formula One, announced last week, has led to renewed calls from European campaigners for a ban on alcohol sponsorship in the sport. Read more The Local (France) – Booze-loving France ‘complicit’ in alcohol deaths France’s love for fine wines and liqueurs means the government is closing its eyes to prevent 49,000 alcohol deaths a year, a new damning report…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 23/2016

Alcohol News – ———————————————————————- BBC News (Scotland) – Weekly alcohol limit ‘could cost £2.52’ says Alcohol Focus Scotland The maximum recommended weekly intake of alcohol can be bought for £2.52, according to a new survey. Washington Times (USA/Japan) – Navy bans alcohol consumption, non-essential travel in Japan after drunken driving incident The U.S. Navy instituted an indefinite ban on alcohol consumption and non-essential travel for sailors stationed in Japan on Monday after a petty officer was arrested in Okinawa over the weekend on suspicion of drunken driving. BBC News (UK) – Blackpool…
Skaityti daugiau

Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 22/2016

Alcohol News – ———————————————————— The Independent (Ireland) – Almost two-in-every-five fatal crashes are alcohol related- new report Almost two-in-every-five fatal crashes are alcohol related, a shocking new report will reveal today. It has looked in detail at the role alcohol played in fatal collisions between 2008 and 2012. Medical News Today – Breast cancer risk rises even with light alcohol use A new analysis concludes that all levels of alcohol use – even light drinking – are associated with raised risk for breast cancer, with higher consumption linked to higher…
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