ES parlamentarų požiūris į paramą Ukrainai

ES parlamentarų požiūris į paramą Ukrainai

Šiandien Europos Parlamente vyko diskusija dėl tolimesnės ES šalių narių karinės paramos Ukrainai. Labai gaila, kad salėje buvo ne vienas...
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Laidoje „Europos pulsas” apie nevaldomus imigrantų srautus ir ministrės nekompetenciją

Laidoje „Europos pulsas” apie nevaldomus imigrantų srautus ir ministrės nekompetenciją Imigracija jau ne tik Vakarų Europoje, bet ir Lietuvoje kelia nerimą ir augantį Lietuvos gyventojų nepasitenkinimą. Konservatorių paskirta vidaus...
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Ateikite į Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimus spalio 13 dieną!

Ateikite į Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimus spalio 13 dieną!

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga šiuose Seimo rinkimuose bus pažymėta numeriu 8. Taip lėmė burtai. Tačiau rinkimus lems ne burtai...
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VRK organizuojamas burtų traukimas

VRK organizuojamas burtų traukimas Paaiškėjo, kad spalio 13-ąją vyksiančiuose Seimo rinkimuose Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos ir Igno Vėgėlės jungtinio sąrašo numeris –...
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Laidoje „Dienos pjūvis” pokalbis apie sveikatos sistemos problemas ir tragiškas pasėkmes

Laidoje „Dienos pjūvis” pokalbis apie sveikatos sistemos problemas ir tragiškas pasėkmes Rugpjūčio 12 d. 19.39 val. buvo gautas skambutis iš Kelmės rajono Šedbarų kaimo. Skambino moteris, kuriai prasidėjo sąrėmiai. Ji...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 29/2016

Alcohol News –


CTV News (Canada) – 8-hour ‘bottle to throttle’ rule sets strict alcohol limit on Canadian pilots

The case of two Canadian pilots arrested in Scotland on suspicions of being drunk in the cockpit has highlighted the strict “bottle-to-throttle” rules around drinking before operating an aircraft — a set of country-specific restrictions rarely broken by pilots.

Newsmax – Alcohol’s Impact on Memory Increases with Age

Drinking alcoholic beverages is more likely to cloud the short-term memory of people as their age increases, a new study shows.

Post-Bulletin – Effects of alcohol increase after gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass — one of the most common types of bariatric surgery in the U.S. — helps you reduce your food intake by creating a small gastric pouch. Before the surgery, food enters your stomach and passes into the small intestine. (Romania) – How much do Romanians spend on alcohol?

Romanians spent on average EUR 1.6 per month on alcohol last year, according to the National Statistics Institute (INS). Beer was the most popular drink.

NT News (Australia) – Retiring NT Chief Justice Trevor Riley appointed director of Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education

Governments need to do more to prevent alcohol abuse through effective policies, according to retiring Northern Territory Chief Justice Trevor Riley, QC.

Times of India – Alcohol use by parents may affect children’s behaviour

Children whose parents misuse alcohol or use, produce or distribute drugs face an increased risk of medical and behavioural problems, says a study.

Newsmax – Alcohol Makes You Lose Magnesium That Prevents Congestive Heart Failure

Alcohol can rob the body of magnesium and lead to cardiovascular dangers, including congestive heart failure. Magnesium is vital to heart health because it’s necessary for proper blood flow.

The Local (Sweden) – Swedish House Mafia DJ sparks popsicle protest

More than 3600 Swedes have signed a petition protesting against alcoholic popsicles that were co-created by a former member of Swedish House Mafia.

Baltic Times (Lithuania) – Lithuanian health min preps ban on online alcohol ads

Lithuania’s Health Ministry has submitted for harmonisation a set of amendments to prohibit alcohol advertisements on websites, mobile applications for smartphones, and tablets.


A study published in the South African Journal found that most students did not drink because of stress but rather to feel good at social gatherings and maintain that feelings of excitement and joy.

Huffington Post – The Science Behind Teens And Drinking: What Every Family Should Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among young people in the United States. The CDC also reports that excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths among underage individuals each year.

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