Alcohol News – http://alcoholweekly.blogspot.
BBC – Euro 2016: Football alcohol adverts seen ‘once a minute’
People who watched Wales’ Euro 2016 game against England on television saw alcohol marketing almost once every minute during play, a study has found.
ConsumerAffairs – Why seniors should limit alcohol consumption
In recent years there has been plenty of research suggesting that there are health benefits that come with moderate alcohol consumption. Here’s a study suggesting older consumers, in particular, should avoid it – or at least limit their consumption.
Daily Mail – Drinking alcohol DOES increase your chance of cancer – and even moderate drinkers are at greater risk
It is known that drinking excess alcohol can increase a person’s risk of various cancers. But now, a new study has revealed even moderate drinkers should be concerned.
Drinking alcohol has become an almost essential rite of passage for youths entering the free and adult world. Alcohol is a legal, accessible, and socially acceptable drug, and our culture portrays drinking it as fun, sexy, and cool. Yet what many alcohol consumers choose not to recognize (or simply aren’t aware of) are the many harmful effects it has on our well-being — I’m talking body, mind, and soul.
Irish Times (Ireland) – One in five admit ‘alcohol-related harms’ in Galway survey
One in five people admitted to “alcohol-related harms” due to their drinking habits in a new survey of alcohol use in Galway city. – Tanzania: Govt Asked to Establish Effective Alcohol Policy
The government has been asked to formulate and implement a comprehensive alcohol policy to curb rising health and social related problems caused by excessive consumption of liquors so that the nation can achieve sustainable development goals. – Botswana: Organisation Raises Awareness On Alcohol Consumption
Some organisations across the world are on their feet to fight alcohol consumption among children and the youth.
Medical Xpress (Norway) – Alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment is more effective when the family is involved
Between 50,000 and 150,000 children in Norway live with a parent whose alcohol consumption is in the risk zone. The same might apply to as many as 100,000 spouses or partners.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) – Frustration over alcohol being sold to minors
Police are frustrated at the number of licensed premises in Auckland’s suburbs selling alcohol to minors. In a sting operation over the weekend, four of the six on-licence premises Auckland police targeted served alcohol to under-18s.
Foodprocessing (Sweden) – „Our products can make you ugly, fat, and unhappy” — alcohol marketing in Sweden
In Sweden you can only buy alcohol during restricted weekday hours, until 3 pm on Saturdays and not at all on Sundays or holidays. And you can only buy it from one state-owned monopoly — Systembolaget.
The Moscow Times (Russia) – Putin Signs Law Limiting Russia’s Beer Sales
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill banning the production and sale in Russia of beer in plastic bottles larger than 1.5 liters, the RBC news website reported Friday.
Psychiatry Advisor – „Drunkorexia” Linked To Both Eating and Substance Use Disorders
Researchers from the University of Kansas have found that “drunkorexia,” a behavior pattern of repeatedly fasting or purging to compensate for the amount of calories consumed during binge drinking, may be linked to both eating disorders and substance abuse disorders.
Alcohol News – http://alcoholweekly.
The Irish Times (Ireland) – Three people die from alcohol a day in Ireland, report shows
Three people a day die from drinking alcohol in Ireland as the health costs from the drug continue to rise, a new report shows.
Medscape (USA) – Outlaw Powdered Alcohol for Kids’ Sake, AMA Says
Powdered alcohol has yet to reach store shelves in the United States, and the American Medical Association (AMA) wants to keep it that way by banning this product as a potential public health threat to youth.
Wall Street Journal – Study Finds Drinking Alcohol Associated With Heart-Rhythm Disorder
A study comparing hospital admissions in “wet” versus “dry” counties in Texas offers a surprising new perspective on how alcohol consumption may affect the health of your heart.
CTV News – Higher autism prevalence in children prenatally exposed to alcohol: pilot study
A new pilot study found that the prevalence of autism among children prenatally exposed to alcohol was significantly higher than the prevalence in the overall Canadian population.
Science Daily – Laws limiting alcohol sales may have measurable public health effects
It is the largest study to focus on the relation between alcohol use and cardiovascular disease, and shows that laws restricting alcohol sales may have measurable public health effects that may be both beneficial and harmful.
Times of San Diego – Do We Really Want The Culture Big Alcohol Is Pushing?
Having wine with a haircut, drinking — not coffee — but wine and beer at Starbucks, knocking back a beer in a clothing boutique, downing tequila shots while shopping at Target, indulging in margaritas with a Taco Bell burrito, and consuming mixed drinks in our local family multiplex. (USA) – Workplace Drug and Alcohol Policies are More Powerful than Ever
In addition to protecting employees and reducing injuries, the enhanced penalties of the 2005 revision of the Missouri Workers Compensation Act make it even more beneficial for policyholders to create and enforce drug and alcohol policies.
Herald Scotland (Scotland) – Scotland ‘worst in world’ for binge drink damage
SCOTLAND is the worst country in the world for alcohol drinkers who require medical treatment after drinking binges, according to a study.
In China, most of the young people don’t like to drink but drinking has become a custom in the business environment of China nowadays. Market research observed that a few companies also draw up guidelines about drinking which is becoming essential for employment.
New York Times – Drinking by Numbers
AT a recent physical, I was surprised by the way the usual questionnaire jolted me with one query in particular: How many drinks do you have a week, on average? There was a time about 10 years ago when I’d have said two a week as a baseline; now it’s more like two a day.
The Age (Australia) – Parents’ ‘risky’ drinking encourages teens
Charlotte Thompson, 13, has tried a sip of her mum’s champagne before and, frankly, „it tasted disgusting”.
Independent Online (South Africa) – Screen teens for underage drinking, says experts
Children should be screened for alcohol use and exposed to regular interventions about the associated dangers, as underage drinking is getting out of control.
Alcohol News – http://alcoholweekly.
Local 8 Now (USA) – UT to get $1.5 million to study fetal alcohol syndrome
The University of Tennessee has received a $1.5 million grant to study the role of genetics in fetal alcohol syndrome.
New York Times (New Zealand) – New Zealand to Pay Record Amount to Wrongfully Convicted Man
In a government-commissioned report, former Judge Rodney Hansen said Pora was lured into the confession by the prospect of a reward and because his judgment and thinking were „befuddled” from the fetal alcohol syndrome he suffers from.
Washington Times (USA) – MOMS program helps pregnant women get off drugs, alcohol
Maryha Kelly isn’t shy about her past. Born into a fractured family where drug abuse was prevalent, she started using at 17 years old – and struggled to get clean during her first two pregnancies.
onmanorama – Heal Thy Self | How to ensure your unborn baby’s mental health…
We have long been accustomed to thinking of the unborn baby as being secure and protected in the muc…
Nevada Business Magazine – The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) Assists Legal Professionals with Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) has released a new guide to assist judges and the legal community in understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
CTV News – Higher autism prevalence in children prenatally exposed to alcohol: pilot study
A new pilot study found that the prevalence of autism among children prenatally exposed to alcohol was significantly higher than the prevalence in the overall Canadian population.
The Guardian – Infant mental health: the four essential questions
The brain grows during the first two years of life at a tremendous rate – at the age of two, 80% of the brain has developed – and so those early years are critical. It is a unique, special time when so many emotional responses are learnt and, if it goes wrong, we spend the next 20 years trying to correct.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia) – Calls for more support for children in care affected by FASD
There are calls for more to be done to help children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders who are in state care. Research suggests 17 per cent of children in out of home care could have FAS-D, a range of conditions caused by exposure to alcohol in the womb.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges – Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Juvenile and Family Court Judges
This technical assistance brief is a publication of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), prepared as part of a project jointly funded under an interagency agreement (IAA) between the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
FASD Network – Living with FASD
Spring/Summer 2016 Edition
Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association – Fasd and sleep disorders
FASD and poor sleep go hand in hand. Find out why and suggestions that might work for your child
Oregon Behavior Consultation – Helping People with FASD Process What We Are Saying (First Steps)
One of the more difficult things to remember when supporting a person with FASD is that they are almost certainly having difficulty understanding and remembering what you are saying. This video talks about why this is, and gives caregivers some basic first-steps in creating effective interactions.
The European Journal of Health Economics – Societal costs of fetal alcohol syndrome in Sweden
The annual total societal cost of FAS was estimated at ?76,000 per child (0-17 years) and ?110,000 per adult (18-74 years), corresponding to ?1.6 billion per year in the Swedish population using a prevalence of FAS of 0.2 %.
Midvifery Journal – Sympathy, shame, and few solutions: News media portrayals of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
the interrelated frames of sympathy and shame may confuse readers, as they inconsistently hold different parties responsible for the impact of FASD. Media portrayals that encourage women to refrain from alcohol consumption during pregnancy might be more useful than stigmatising and isolating those who do.
Sleep Medicine – Sleep and melatonin secretion abnormalities in children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Caregivers describe significant sleep disturbances in the vast majority of children and adolescents with a diagnosis with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), but objective data on sleep disorders in this population is almost completely lacking.
Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology – Effects of Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure during Early Gestation in Rats on Inflammation across the Maternal-Fetal-Immune Interface and Later-Life Immune Function in the Offspring
During early brain development, microglial activation can negatively impact long-term neuroimmune and cognitive outcomes. It is well-known that significant alcohol exposure during early gestation results in a number of cognitive deficits associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Concordia University – The Many Diagnostic Tools of FASD
FASD – fetal alcohol spectrum disorder – is caused by consumption of alcohol while pregnant and is constantly under investigation.
Metabolic Brain Disease – Reduced glutamate in white matter of male neonates exposed to alcohol in utero: a 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
In utero exposure to alcohol leads to a spectrum of fetal alcohol related disorders (FASD). However, few studies used have used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) to understand how neurochemical disturbances relate to the pathophysiology of FASD.
University of Cape Town – Multimodal neuroimaging and early neurobehavioral and developmental correlates of alcohol-exposed infants in Cape Town
This thesis explored the relative impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on the brain in infants as measured by multimodal brain imaging and the relationship of these findings to early neurobehavioral and developmental status.
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies – Risky Bodies: Allocation of Risk and Responsibility within Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Prevention Campaigns
In this qualitative case study, using data from 23 semi-structured interviews with those in charge of managing FASD and document analysis, I examine discourses invoked within FASD prevention and awareness campaigns deployed by the province of Alberta, Canada.
Francis was born with intellectual and developmental disabilities because his mother consumed alcohol while she was pregnant. A loving family adopted Francis when he was three, at a time when medical professionals knew little about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Child Neuropsychology – Parent rating of executive function in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A review of the literature and new data on Aboriginal Canadian children
Aboriginal children in Canada are at high risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) but there is little research on the cognitive impact of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in this population.
Alcohol News – http://alcoholweekly.
Reuters (EU) – Heineken F1 deal triggers new call for alcohol ban
Dutch brewer Heineken’s sponsorship deal with Formula One, announced last week, has led to renewed calls from European campaigners for a ban on alcohol sponsorship in the sport.
The Local (France) – Booze-loving France ‘complicit’ in alcohol deaths
France’s love for fine wines and liqueurs means the government is closing its eyes to prevent 49,000 alcohol deaths a year, a new damning report will say.
Irish Independent (Ireland) – Alcohol means you’re less likely to wear seatbelt
The RSA’s recently published Pre-Crash Report found that alcohol was a contributory factor in 38pc of all crashes between 2008 and 2012. This has shocked many.
Science Codex – Laws limiting alcohol sales may have measurable public health effects
It is the largest study to focus on the relation between alcohol use and cardiovascular disease, and shows that laws restricting alcohol sales may have measurable public health effects that may be both beneficial and harmful.
The Canberra Times (Australia) – Canberrans want 3am last drinks: alcohol poll
Most Canberrans want 3am last drinks for bars, clubs and pubs, and many feel more threatened in the city by drunks than people high on drugs.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) – 25% of males age 15-39 die due to alcohol
One in four deaths of young men aged from 15 to 39 in Ireland is due to alcohol and drink is a factor in half of all suicides, according to the Health Research Board.
CT Post (USA) – AMA calls for ban of powdered alcohol
The American Medical Association announced Tuesday that it supports federal and state laws banning powdered alcohol in the United States. Approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau in 2015, powered alcohol, also known as “Palcohol,” is equivalent to a standard-sized cocktail when mixed with six ounces of liquid. Connecticut banned the substance in 2015.
The Guardian (Australia) – More Australians seeking treatment for alcohol consumption than any other drug
About one in 200 Australians sought treatment for drug use in 2014–15, with alcohol the main drug people needed help with, a new report from the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare launched on Wednesday shows.
Science Daily – Adolescent alcohol, marijuana use leads to poor academic performance, health problems
Adolescents who use both marijuana and alcohol during middle school and high school are more likely to have poor academic performance and mental health during high school, according to a new study that followed a group of students over a seven-year period.
TIME (France) – France Pushes for Euro 2016 Alcohol Ban in Wake of Fan Violence
France has called for alcohol bans in cities hosting Euro 2016 matches following three days of heavy clashes between fans and police in Marseille.
Daily Mail (EU) – MEPs order champagne and scotch to their desks: European Parliament revealed to have alcohol delivery service and special restaurant serving gourmet meals
MEPs in Brussels can order champagne and whisky to be served at their desks, it has been revealed today. The European Parliament lavishes its members with an alcohol delivery service as well as offering them gourmet meals in special restaurants reserved just for them.
Scottish Legal News (Scotland) – Scottish government proposes limit on alcohol sales
Proposals to introduce a national target for reducing Scotland’s drinking levels would see pubs and supermarkets restricted in the amount of alcohol they sell.
STAT – He stumbled on a hidden epidemic of brain damage. The culprit? Alcohol
The agitated mom had three kids in foster care and she wanted them back. But she didn’t understand how to parent. She’d never worked. She had a short fuse. She was slow and didn’t seem to learn from experience.
Science Daily – Uncovering the genetics behind fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
A new review examines the current literature on the genetics of FASD susceptibility and gene-ethanol interactions. The authors also comment on potential mechanisms of reported gene-ethanol interactions.
Omaha World-Herald (USA) – Heated exchange follows activists’ presentation to liquor commission over Whiteclay
Activists seeking to shut down the liquor stores in the border town of Whiteclay, Nebraska, said Tuesday that slow response times to assaults, fires and other incidents there give the state plenty of ammunition to close the stores. – Testing for maternal alcohol biomarkers in blood may help identify pregnancies at high FAS risk
It is well known that drinking during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in the offspring. Unfortunately, not all pregnant women are truthful about their levels of drinking. This study explored the feasibility of testing for various alcohol biomarkers in the blood of pregnant women to help identify pregnancies that are at high-risk for FAS.
Parkersburg News – Beekeeping helps Ohio teen overcome learning hurdles
By the fifth grade, Mr. and Mrs. Shuman determined that their oldest son had fetal alcohol syndrome. Their two younger sons, twins Jason and James, now 14, were also adopted from Guatemala but have no health issues.
I remember the first time my son stepped up to the plate the first year he played baseball. He not only looked like a miniature major league player, he acted and performed like one. With one swing, he sent a line drive up the middle of the diamond, straight into center field.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) – There’s no excuse for the selfishness of binge-drinking mothers-to-be
Just how selfish have we become as a society? There is always an excuse for the inexcusable and it has to stop. A recent WA Health study conducted by Curtin University, the University of WA and the Cancer Council of WA has found that pregnant women are more likely to binge drink than other women.
Independent Online – Dangers of boozing, breast-feeding
CHILDREN born to mothers who drank alcohol after their birth and breast-fed were significantly lighter, had lower verbal IQ scores and a range of other problems, a study has found.
Canada NewsWire (Canada) – Children’s Aid Foundation and its donors invest $2 million in British Columbia’s children and youth
Funding will allow more than 4,500 B.C. children and youth living in care access to educational, enrichment, housing and transitioning in and out of care support.
CBC (Canada) – New guidelines allow young children FASD support
Until recently, children under the age of six were not being assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Now, new guidelines mean they will be, and the FASD Clinic in Sudbury says the change will mean better outcomes in life for those children.
EUFASD – European Conference on FASD 2016
First programme is now out! Early Bird Registration closes on June 15, 2016.
Alberta Government – Professionals Without Parachutes (June 23)
In this presentation we will discuss the Professionals Without Parachutes (PWP) training model.
MrStartpointprod – UBC Physical Realities FASD
Emily Travis, CJ Lutke and Myles Himmelreich present the groundbreaking work at the 2016 Conference at UBC.
YourAlberta – Siksika Health Services FASD Program: A Case Study
This webcast covers how the Siksika Health Services have amended the original Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) home visitation model to work for the First Nations community they serve.
YourAlberta – Best Practices for Supports
The overall goal of the best practice approach is to establish a shared understanding of evidence-based FASD informed service delivery.
YourAlberta – Panel Discussion: Working with Supports
This panel discussion brings together a group of employers who have a proven track record in creating inclusive workplaces and working with support organizations to do so.
YourAlberta – The Stigma of Brain Injury and Rehabilitation into the Community
This presentation touches on employment, housing and interpersonal relationships. It will also explore strategies to reduce the stigma that exists around brain injury, focusing on the transition from hospital to community. Finally, it will explore current research and proposed services to address psychosocial issues and the process of integration.
Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health – Use of Alcohol during Pregnancy in France: Another French Paradox?
Although scientific knowledge about the effects of ethanol during early brain growth period had considerably increased over the last decades, the problem of the consequences, the cost and the care of infants exposed to alcohol during pregnancy remains spread worldwide. In many industrialized countries including France the country of the first description of FAS in 1968, the sanitary problem is clearly not a public health priority and thus still not yet resolved.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity – Evidence for an immune signature of prenatal alcohol exposure in female rats
Evidence for immune/neuroimmune disturbances as a possible root cause of a range of disorders, including neurodevelopmental disorders, is growing. Although prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) impacts immune function, few studies to date have examined immune function in relation to long-term negative health outcomes following PAE, and most have focused on males.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A – Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and assessment of maxillary and mandibular arc measurements
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) comprise a range of physical differences and neurologic deficits from prenatal alcohol exposure. Previous studies suggest that relative maxillary growth deficiency can accompany FASD.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research – Alcohol-Induced Developmental Origins of Adult-Onset Diseases
Fetal alcohol exposure may impair growth, development, and function of multiple organ systems and is encompassed by the term fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Research has so far focused on the mechanisms, prevention, and diagnosis of FASD, while the risk for adult-onset chronic diseases in individuals exposed to alcohol in utero is not well explored.
Drug and Alcohol Review – Mechanisms of influence: Alcohol industry submissions to the inquiry into fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
This study aims to examine all alcohol industry submissions to the Australian House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), to assist in understanding how those with vested interests contribute to policy development.
South African Medical Journal – Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Prevalence rates in South Africa
FASD rates from studies conducted in SA are among the highest worldwide. FASD affects all communities in SA and is therefore a major public health concern in SA. Multidisciplinary and intersectoral interventions are urgently required to raise awareness about the dangers of prenatal alcohol exposure and the devastating effect of FASD on the lives of children, families and communities.
University of Gothenburg – Fetal Alcohol syndrome in adulthood – Psychological, psychosocial, and neuropsychological aspects of life in individuals who were prenatally exposed to alcohol
St. Cloud State University – Academic and Behavioral Interventions for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
BBC News (Scotland) – Weekly alcohol limit ‘could cost £2.52’ says Alcohol Focus Scotland
The maximum recommended weekly intake of alcohol can be bought for £2.52, according to a new survey.
Washington Times (USA/Japan) – Navy bans alcohol consumption, non-essential travel in Japan after drunken driving incident
The U.S. Navy instituted an indefinite ban on alcohol consumption and non-essential travel for sailors stationed in Japan on Monday after a petty officer was arrested in Okinawa over the weekend on suspicion of drunken driving.
BBC News (UK) – Blackpool considers ban on alcohol adverts by 2018
Alcohol advertising could be banned in Blackpool in the next two years in a bid to reduce the town’s drink-related crime and health problems.
EurekAlert – Weak evidence for prescribed alcohol drug, say scientists
A drug being used to treat alcohol problems in the UK was licensed for use despite insufficient evidence to prove its effectiveness, new research led by the University of Stirling has found. (Canada) – Life jackets could have prevented half of boating fatalities, Canadian Red Cross study finds
As the weather heats up, Saskatchewan residents are being urged to wear life jackets on the water after a new report showed the jackets could have prevented half of the boating deaths in Canada over the last two decades.
The Advertiser (Australia) – Australian drinkers are becoming more conscious about their alcohol habits
AUSSIE drinkers are becoming far more health conscious and are curbing the amount of alcohol they consume each week. – Should alcohol be banned on planes?
When something isn’t broken, you leave it alone. When an issue is repeatedly causing damage, distress and danger, it’s time to reassess.
VICE – Social Media Is Making You Spend More Money on Alcohol
You’re pre-party drink may still be supermarket vodka and lemonade (with a dash of Ribena, just to take the paint-stripper edge off), but a new study into alcohol-buying trends suggests that after some Facebook scrolling and a quick check of the ’gram, you could be sipping Cristal like it’s your birthday.
CapeTalk (South Africa) – Tabled prime time ban on alcohol ads may change the game for ad industry -expert
The proposal to further limit time allocated to alcohol-related advertising on television will create unique opportunities for ad agencies, says radio advertising expert John Walls.
South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) – Hong Kong doctors want ban on sale of alcohol to under-18s
Doctors want a ban on the sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18, and health warning labels placed on all alcohol for sale in shops.
Irish Times (Ireland) – Alcohol a factor in 40% of road deaths, RSA study shows
Alcohol was a factor in 38 per cent per cent of road deaths between 2008 and 2012, the Road Safety Authority has said.
Baltic Times (Baltics) – Booze-besotted Baltics wage war against the society-plaguing scourge: Alcohol
Throughout a dozen years, the three Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia, and particularly Lithuania have sat on top of the international booze consumption rankings, but now efforts to clamp down on the misery are stepped up and are panning out.
The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) – Alcohol a risk for sex workers, study finds
Both Cambodian women engaging in sex work and their male clients engage in unhealthy alcohol use, according to the findings of a soon-to-be-published study.