Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga tapo visateise Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos nare

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga tapo visateise Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos nare

Sausio 14 d. Briuselyje (Belgija) vykusioje Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos (ECR Party) Tarybos sesijoje Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga...
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Laidoje „Detalės” pokalbis su Arnu Klivecka apie aktualijas

Laidoje „Detalės” pokalbis su Arnu Klivecka apie aktualijas Kuria kryptimi einame? Dvi moterys tampa vieno vaiko "biologinėmis mamomis", kandidatė užimti komisarės pareigas, atsakingas už pasirengimą krizėms ir...
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Džiaugsmingų šventų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų metų!

Džiaugsmingų šventų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų metų!

  Mielieji, Tegul Šv. Kalėdų dvasia pripildo Jūsų širdis ramybės, gyvenimus - taikos ir meilės savo artimui. Tegul 2025-ieji bus...
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Konferencijos „Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?” įrašas

Konferencijos „Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?” įrašas Konferencijos metu savo įžvalgomis ir pastebėjimais bei patirtimi dalinosi Europos Parlamento ECR frakcijos narys dr. Aurelijus Veryga, Lietuvos Respublikos...
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Konferencija: Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?”

Konferencija: Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?”

„Demografijos problema yra ne mažiau svarbi negu saugumo ir gynybos klausimas, kuriam Lietuva ir visa Europa jau subrendo. Mes supratome,...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 28/2016

NordAN Oslo conference –
Register HERE –!registration/c1gxf
Alcohol News –
The Journal (Ireland) – „You feel invisible” – the Irish children suffering from their parents’ abuse of alcohol
THE IMPACT OF harmful drinking on Irish children by their parents has been outlined by a cross-party group at Leinster House.
The Journal (Ireland) – ‘As a child of an alcoholic, I am damaged’
Following on from our article on the effect of parents’ abuse of alcohol on their children, one reader sent in her experiences of growing up with an alcoholic father.
Review Show (Hungary) – Alcohol consumption in Hungary twice the global average
Globally, individuals above 15 years of age drink on average 6.2 litres of pure alcohol per year, which translates into 13.5 grams of pure alcohol per day. Hungarians aged 15 years or older consume just over twice the global average. The trend is similar among Eastern European countries, including Ukraine, Belarus and Russian Federation.
Tech Insider – Here are 9 serious health risks of even moderate drinking
Many people seem to assume that alcohol is a fairly healthy, safe habit as long as it’s done in moderation. People even point to studies that suggest small benefits to drinking red wine. Here’s what we actually know about the health risks of alcohol to a typical, not-addicted drinker. – ‘Smoking’ alcohol more dangerous than drinking
It’s a way to booze without taking a sip of alcohol.  Mothers are warning other parents about a re-emerging trend: Smoking alcohol. – Study Finds Link Between Discrimination, Drinking Alcohol
Exposure to discrimination may be linked to alcohol abuse, according to a study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine.
NPR – How Parents Can Help Their Underage Kids Resist Alcohol
While a sense of inevitability often surrounds the topic of teen drinking, adults can play an important role in preventing underage alcohol use.
Radio Canada International (Canada) – Canada ranks first in driving deaths linked to alcohol
Among 19 rich countries, Canada has the highest percentage of road deaths caused by alcohol impairment, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Overall, road fatalities are down in Canada, but 34 per cent of them are related to drinking.
New Zealand Herald – Alcohol addiction: Can brain implants break its grip?
A Dunedin-based neurosurgeon is investigating whether tiny devices implanted in the brain can stop alcoholics’ cravings.
Huffington Post Australia (Australia) – Victoria Police Call For Zero Alcohol Limit For Under 26s
When random breath testing for drink drivers was introduced 40 years ago, it was labelled „controversial”. Now on its anniversary, Victoria Police want to start a conversation about extending the Learners zero blood alcohol limit to all drivers under 26.
Discover Magazine – How Alcohol Affects the ‘No-Go’ Receptors in Your Brain
Drinking alcohol doesn’t only lower our inhibitions on the dance floor, it also directly affects the structures in our brains that inhibit our desire to drink.
Daily Mail – What drinking alcohol REALLY does to your skin – and how long it takes to heal will put you off reaching for another glass of wine
From the pounding headache to the feeling of regret, we all know that alcohol isn’t good for our bodies but most of us don’t think about the effect it’s having on our face whilst we’re knocking back that third glass of wine. (New Zealand) – Alcohol advertising and sponsorship in sport to be addressed by Government
Rugby League legend Graham Lowe is „deeply saddened” a 2014 report which recommended banning alcohol advertising in sport has been met with silence from the Government.
Newstalk ZB – Accepting charity from tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries risky business
An academic says tobacco, alcohol and gambling corporations have become highly effective in getting in the way of public health measures that could reduce harm.
The Canberra Times (Australia) – How alcohol is driving Canberra’s emergency departments to despair
The alcohol epidemic has become a „giant disaster for our society” and alcohol-related harm is now the number one public health issue in Canberra’s emergency departments, a leading specialist says.
Scotsman (Scotland) – Ruling on minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland due ‘in near future’
A panel of top judges have told some of Scotland’s most senior lawyers that they need time to consider the legality of minimum pricing alcohol legislation.

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