Trumpa refleksija apie pirmąjį Prezidento rinkimų turą

Trumpa refleksija apie pirmąjį Prezidento rinkimų turą

Pirmiausia labai ačiū visiems ir kiekvienam atėjusiam į rinkimus ir išreiškusiam savo pilietinę valią. Dėl to, kad dabartinis šalies vadovas...
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Ilgoji Europos Parlamento rinkimų programa

Ilgoji Europos Parlamento rinkimų programa

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos Europos Parlamento rinkimų programa Lygiaverčiai europiečiai Gerbiami Lietuvos piliečiai, Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos atstovai...
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Trumpoji Europos Parlamento rinkimų programa

Trumpoji Europos Parlamento rinkimų programa

Lygiaverčiai europiečiai Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos atstovai Europos Parlamente dirba, kad Europos Sąjungoje neliktų antrarūšių narių, kurių vartotojams maistas,...
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Laidoje „Lygiaverčiai Europiečiai” apie sveikatos sistemą Europos Sąjungoje

Laidoje „Lygiaverčiai Europiečiai” apie sveikatos sistemą Europos Sąjungoje #OpozicijosTelevizija pristato diskusijų klubą #LygiaverčiaiEuropiečiai, kuriame diskutuojama rinkimų į Europos Parlamentą temomis ir pristatomos Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos...
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Laidoje „NOTA BENE” apie pasitraukimo iš prezidento rinkimų priežastis ir valdančiųjų klaidas

Laidoje „NOTA BENE” apie pasitraukimo iš prezidento rinkimų priežastis ir valdančiųjų klaidas Valdžios keičiasi - o valstybės valdymas negerėja. Visuomenės atmintis tokia trumpa, kad kyla įtarimas, ar tik nesergam kokiais alzhaimeriais?...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 22/2016

Alcohol News –


The Independent (Ireland) – Almost two-in-every-five fatal crashes are alcohol related- new report

Almost two-in-every-five fatal crashes are alcohol related, a shocking new report will reveal today. It has looked in detail at the role alcohol played in fatal collisions between 2008 and 2012.

Medical News Today – Breast cancer risk rises even with light alcohol use

A new analysis concludes that all levels of alcohol use – even light drinking – are associated with raised risk for breast cancer, with higher consumption linked to higher risk. The researchers also summarize the biological mechanism behind the link and the impact on global breast cancer incidence and deaths due to drinking.

ABC Online (Australia) – St Vincent’s Health Australia proposes higher alcohol taxes, national lockout laws

Adopt higher alcohol taxes, ban alcohol sponsorship in sport, and introduce nation-wide lockout laws to reduce the harm caused by excessive drinking, Australia’s major political parties are being urged.

24/7 Wall St. (USA) – Of 9 Million College Students, 1.2 Million Drink Alcohol on Any Given Day

According to a new federal study, 1.2 million full-time U.S. college students out of a total population of 9 million had an alcoholicbeverage on an average day and nearly 240,000 part-time college students out of 2 million drank alcohol on an average day.

USA TODAY – Study: Social media posts about alcohol drive viewers to drink

Social media posts and advertisements that focus on alcohol likely drive viewers to drink more, researchers at Michigan State University found.

The Straits Times (Malaysia) – Malaysia to raise minimum age for alcohol consumption to 21, from the current 18

Malaysia said on Wednesday (June 1) that it would raise its minimum age for alcohol consumption to 21 next year from the current 18 to stem underage drinking and alcohol abuse.

Science Daily – Social media use may help identify students at risk of alcohol problems

Having an ‘alcohol identity’ puts college students at greater risk of having drinking problems, say researchers, adding that posting about alcohol use on social media sites is actually a stronger predictor of alcohol problems than having a drink. (New Zealand) – Alcohol industry shouldn’t control educational messages – watchdog

A new responsible drinking campaign that promotes talking to teens about drinking, in the same way parents talk to them about sex, has been questioned by public health officials.–watchdog

Irish Times (Ireland) – Alcohol forgotten factor in obesity crisis, says consultant

An emergency medicine consultant says alcohol is the forgotten factor in Ireland’s obesity crisis. (Ireland) – 11 European countries object to Ireland’s plan for health warnings on alcohol products

Eleven European countries have raised objections at EU level about Ireland’s plans for health warnings on alcohol products. (Scotland) – NHS calls for minimum price on Scottish alcohol

Rising alcohol sales in Scotland has strengthened the case for introducing minimum unit pricing, according to Scotland’s public health minister Aileen Campbell.

ABC Online (Australia) – Alcohol advertising during live sports broadcasts ‘should be phased out’

Medical experts have called for alcohol advertising and sponsorship to be phased out of live sports broadcasts. (South Africa) – South Africa’s Foetal Alcohol Syndrome problem

When seven-year-old Michelle Daniels* enters with her mother, a few stare. She has facial features typical of a child with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – small eyes, flattened cheeks, a short nose and a smooth philtrum above a thin upper lip. – Tough economy, alcohol fuel suicide risk in men: Study

Heavy drinking may fuel the risk of suicide among men when the economy is sinking, new research suggests.‎ (EU) – Health NGOs: Commission ‘listened’ to industry on alcohol advertising

A new European Commission proposal to reform advertising rules on television and online has opened a new battlefield for health NGOs, advertisers and the alcohol industry.

Reuters (EU) – Online alcohol marketing linked to drinking among European teens

Adolescents in Europe may be just as susceptible to online alcohol marketing as their counterparts elsewhere, according to a recent study in four countries that links the ads with kids’ likelihood of drinking and of binge drinking.