Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga šiuose Seimo rinkimuose bus pažymėta numeriu 8. Taip lėmė burtai. Tačiau rinkimus lems ne burtai...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 24/2016
Reuters (EU) – Heineken F1 deal triggers new call for alcohol ban Dutch brewer Heineken’s sponsorship deal with Formula One, announced last week, has led to renewed calls from European campaigners for a ban on alcohol sponsorship in the sport. Read more The Local (France) – Booze-loving France ‘complicit’ in alcohol deaths France’s love for fine wines and liqueurs means the government is closing its eyes to prevent 49,000 alcohol deaths a year, a new damning report…
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