Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga tapo visateise Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos nare

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga tapo visateise Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos nare

Sausio 14 d. Briuselyje (Belgija) vykusioje Europos konservatorių ir reformuotojų partijos (ECR Party) Tarybos sesijoje Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga...
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Laidoje „Detalės” pokalbis su Arnu Klivecka apie aktualijas

Laidoje „Detalės” pokalbis su Arnu Klivecka apie aktualijas Kuria kryptimi einame? Dvi moterys tampa vieno vaiko "biologinėmis mamomis", kandidatė užimti komisarės pareigas, atsakingas už pasirengimą krizėms ir...
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Džiaugsmingų šventų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų metų!

Džiaugsmingų šventų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų metų!

  Mielieji, Tegul Šv. Kalėdų dvasia pripildo Jūsų širdis ramybės, gyvenimus - taikos ir meilės savo artimui. Tegul 2025-ieji bus...
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Konferencijos „Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?” įrašas

Konferencijos „Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?” įrašas Konferencijos metu savo įžvalgomis ir pastebėjimais bei patirtimi dalinosi Europos Parlamento ECR frakcijos narys dr. Aurelijus Veryga, Lietuvos Respublikos...
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Konferencija: Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?”

Konferencija: Demografijos trilema: kokį kelią rinksis Lietuva?”

„Demografijos problema yra ne mažiau svarbi negu saugumo ir gynybos klausimas, kuriam Lietuva ir visa Europa jau subrendo. Mes supratome,...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 37/2016

Dutch News (Netherlands) – Teenage drinking continues despite crackdown, new survey shows

Publicity campaigns and increasing the legal drinking age from 16 to 18 has had no impact on teenage drinking rates, according to new research addiction institute Trimbos.

MedicalXpress – More difficult to achieve controlled drinking than to give up alcohol entirely

People who are seeking treatment for alcohol dependence and whose goal is to quit drinking entirely are more likely to achieve this goal if they are treated by a care provider who advocates total abstinence. (Switzerland) – More accurate alcohol breath testing introduced

A new and improved breathalyzer will do away with the need for blood tests in most drink-driving tests on Swiss roads. From October 1, the level of alcohol in practically all drivers can be determined by breath tests alone, according to the Federal Roads Office.

Science Daily – Strong alcohol policies can help prevent suicide

Suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in the United States in 2013. There is clear evidence that intoxication and chronic, heavy drinking are often associated with suicide. While alcohol policies are known to be effective in reducing excessive drinking, this review undertakes a critical look at the literature on the relationship between alcohol policies and suicide. (New Zealand) – Government ignores alcohol’s contribution to family violence

The National-led government once again is ignoring the need for alcohol reform to combat family violence in New Zealand.

Irish Times (Ireland) – Women and alcohol: A shot of reality needed

In the last days of August the Rutland Centre, one of our foremost residential alcohol treatment centres, published its annual report. One of the headline features was the rise in women presenting for treatment for alcohol dependence.

Talon Marks – Alcohol drinkers vulnerable to dangerous bystander effect

Whether it is one cup of vodka on the rocks or three Jack and Cokes, it is well known that college students drink. They either drink themselves into oblivion on a Friday night, or have the occasional glass of wine at a restaurant.

Medical News Today – ‘We can completely reverse alcohol dependence’

Scientists have discovered a way to entirely remove the urge to drink alcohol compulsively in an animal model. The researchers hope that, with enough funding, a solution to this age-old problem might be on the horizon.

The Advertiser (Australia) – SA Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy Progress Report finds sharp fall in students’ alcohol consumption and drug use

THE number of South Australian school students who admit drinking alcohol in the previous week has plummeted by almost a third, and illicit drug use among children has also declined significantly, a State Government snapshot has found. (Canada) – Universities face increasing pressure to address campus sexual assault

University of British Columbia students got an extra jolt along with their caffeine fixes when they returned to campus last week.

Varsity (Canada) – Alcohol: a public health crisis

It’s Friday night and you’re sitting out on the patio with friends at a Toronto pub. The string of overhead lights swings gently in the warm evening breeze. You shift forward in your seat as the server sets down a frosty glass on the cardboard coaster resting on the table. Reaching forward, you grab the glass and bring it to your lips, savouring the cool taste of your drink.

ABC News – Interactive Video and Resources for Alcohol Addiction, Recovery and Support

Watch this interactive conversation between ABC News’ Elizabeth Vargas and Dr. Deidra Roach with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

africanews (Uganda) – Ugandan MPs push for law to restrict alcohol sale to between 5pm and 1am

Some Members of Parliament and Civil Society Organisations are pushing for an alcohol law that will restrict the sale of alcohol to between 5pm and 1am.

TheHealthSite – TV ads influence the amount of alcohol children consume

Children are more likely to consume alcohol as they watch more advertisements of a particular brand, a study has revealed.

VnExpress International (Vietnam) – Nearly half of Vietnamese men drink alcohol at ‘hazardous level’

With 77 percent of men and 11 percent of women admitting to drinking alcohol within 30 days prior to being surveyed, Vietnam is increasingly concerned about related health problems as well as traffic safety.

Starr 103.5 FM (Ghana) – Drinking during pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome in Ghana

Doreen, 17 years, sits quietly, tiny beads of sweat quivering near her hairline. It’s hot in the doctor’s office – she has come to Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra to speak with Dr. Ebenezer Badoe, a Pediatric Neurologist at the hospital’s Child Health Department.

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