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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 36/2016


The Sentinel – What’s the Buzz?: Back to school with fetal alcohol syndrome disorders

In 1999, due to a lack of public awareness and available resources, frustrated family members and parents organized a movement to bring awareness to FASD. The ninth minute of the ninth hour of the ninth day of the ninth month of 1999 was chosen as the first official FASD Awareness Day to remind the world that alcohol should not be consumed during the nine months of pregnancy.

University of Rochester Newsroom – Q&A: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Christie Petrenko, a research psychologist at the University of Rochester’s Mt. Hope Family Center and an assistant professor at the Medical Center, has been involved in research and clinical interventions with children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and their families for over 10 years.

The Globe and Mail – UBC-led study makes key fetal alcohol spectrum disorder discovery

Canadian researchers are one step closer to uncovering a biomarker associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder after identifying distinct patterns associated with the DNA of children who were exposed to alcohol in the womb.

ReliaWire (UK) – Pregnant Women May Be Drinking More Than We Thought

Quantities of alcohol consumed by pregnant women around the time of conception may be significantly higher than previously estimated, according to a new study from the University of Dundee. (USA) – Alaska schools leading the way for FASD awareness in the classroom

Sept. 9 is day set aside around the world to remind women about a problem that is 100 percent preventable and affects thousands of children a year – Fatal Alaska Syndrome Disorder, or FASD.

Regina Leader-Post (Canada) – Canada FASD Research Network sparks discussion to address significant issues

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a complex diagnosis, and society isn’t always built to meet the needs of those who suffer from it. The Canada FASD Research Network kicked off the Learning Together research setting event on Monday at the University of Regina.

Herald Sun (Australia) – Unprotected drunken sex brings risk of brain-damaged babies, doctors warn

BOOZING party girls should be using contraception to avoid the risk of having brain-damaged babies, doctors have warned.

Independent Online (South Africa) – SA’s FAS statistics among highest in the world

With South Africa’s incidence of the syndrome being among the highest in the world, an interministerial task team, chaired by Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini, has been set up to reduce alcohol-related harm from the disorder.

ChronicleLive (UK) – ‘If you’re pregnant, it’s so important to give up drink’ – adoptive mother’s plea to mums-to-be

Newcastle mum Libby knows the challenges of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder – and is warning mums-to-be of the consequences of drinking in pregnancy.

Community Care (UK) – ‘Don’t rule out foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in young children – it might be expressed later’

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a lifelong, largely invisible disability. It’s caused by prenatal alcohol exposure and is a well-known preventable cause of intellectual and behavioural disorders. – The emerging problem of fetal alcohol

Alcohol related harm is 100% unnecessary and avoidable harm. As such there is no justification for neglecting all possible measures to avoid it. Failing to do so, for both individuals and governments, would be unethical and simply wrong.


WHO Europe – Prevention of harm caused by alcohol exposure in pregnancy. Rapid review and case studies from Member States (2016)

The lifelong disabilities caused by exposure to alcohol in pregnancy (known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders), along with other negative effects of exposure to alcohol on the pregnancy, are an important public health concern.

AAP Gateway – FYI: Vaccine storage, FASD toolkit, and more

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) have lifelong implications, including physical, mental, behavioral and/or learning disabilities. Familiarize yourself with the signs of FASD on Sept. 9, FASD Day.

Global – Lethbridge takes new approach to raising awareness to FASD

South Alberta FASD Network is dropping off coasters and posters to bars, to encourage women and potential partners to learn about the risks of drinking during pregnancy.

FASDFOREVER – FASD Day 2016 Pregnant Pause

Illuminate Colorado – #PassItOn FASD Awareness Month

Port Elizabeth (South Africa) – World Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day

Kobus Botha, DA MPL in the Bhisho Legislature speaks on World Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day.

BLAU IM BAUCH? a short prevention film with english subtitles

FAS Portalen (in Swedish)


Journal of Advanced Nursing – Peri-conceptual and mid-pregnancy drinking: A cross-sectional assessment in two Scottish health board areas using a 7-day Retrospective Diary

Significant peri-conceptual consumption levels suggest a substantial proportion of alcohol-exposed pregnancies before pregnancy recognition. Not taking a detailed alcohol history, including patterns of consumption, will result in under-detection of alcohol-exposed pregnancies.

Midwifery – Sympathy, shame, and few solutions: News media portrayals of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

Practitioners should be aware that conflicting messages about alcohol consumption during pregnancy might lead to shame and confusion, and should encourage openness with mothers to challenge stigma. Guidelines for media reporting should discourage stigmatising frames, and media articles should also consider the role that government, non-government organisations, and the alcohol industry could play for improving FASD shame.

Oxford Handbooks Online – Burden and Social Cost of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Damage to the central nervous system is a unifying concept for nearly all of the diagnoses that fall under the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) umbrella.

Developmental Neurobiology – Impact of exercise and a complex environment on hippocampal dendritic morphology, Bdnf gene expression, and DNA methylation in male rat pups neonatally exposed to alcohol

Alcohol exposure in utero can result in Fetal Alcohol Spectrums Disorders (FASD). Measures of hippocampal neuroplasticity, including long-term potentiation, synaptic and dendritic organization, and adult neurogenesis, are consistently disrupted in rodent models of FASD.

Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology – The Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Episodic Memory Functioning: A Systematic Review

In general, studies show that PAE results in impaired verbal and visual-spatial episodic memory performance in affected individuals and these impairments are unlikely to be secondary to a global impairment.

Pediatrics – Objective Measures of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Systematic Review

Current evidence is insufficient to support the use of objective measures of prenatal alcohol exposure in practice. Biomarkers in meconium and placenta tissue may be the most promising candidates for further large-scale population-based research.

Alcoholism – Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Alters Functional Connectivity in the Adult Rat Brain

Past studies of moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) have focused on specific brain regions, neurotransmitter systems, and behaviors. However, the effects of PAE on brain function and behavior are complex and not limited to discrete brain regions.

BMJ – Alcohol consumption and fecundability: prospective Danish cohort study

Consumption of less than 14 servings of alcohol per week seemed to have no discernible effect on fertility. No appreciable difference in fecundability was observed by level of consumption of beer and wine.


Dependientes (Spain) – Beber sin haber nacido

María (nombre ficticio para preservar su identidad) es madre soltera de una niña adolescente que fue adoptada de Ucrania cuando no llegaba a los tres años. Cuenta que su pequeña no fue diagnosticada de Síndrome Alcohólico Fetal (SAF) hasta pasada la primaria. (Poland) – Chroń dziecko przed FAS. Nie pij alkoholu w ciąży!

Picie alkoholu w ciąży może prowadzić do poważnych powikłań u dziecka. Jednym z nich jest płodowy zespół alkoholowy, czyli FAS. 9 września obchodzimy Światowy Dzień FAS, który ma na celu uświadomienie przyszłym matkom skutków picia alkoholu w ciąży.,Chron-dziecko-przed-FAS-Nie-pij-alkoholu-w-ciazy.html#axzz4JwYucQhf

Keskisuomalainen (Finland) – Aiotko käydä perjantaina Alkossa? Tämän takia ovet aukeavat 9 minuuttia myöhässä

Alkon myymälät aukeavat tulevana perjantaina 9.9. vasta kello 9.09. Syynä on osallistuminen kansainväliseen FASD-päivään.

Postimees (Estonia) – Raseda alkoholitarbimine mõjutab loodet alati

Tänasel alkoholi põhjustatud sünnikahjustuste (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – FASD) teadlikustamise päeval juhib Eesti karskusliit tähelepanu, et ema tarbitud alkohol kahjustab alati ka loodet.

Augsburger Allgemeine (Germany) – Wie Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft ein Kind ein Leben lang zeichnet

Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft kann ein Kind ein Leben lang schädigen. Die Krankheit, unter der die Kinder leiden, nennt sich „FASD”. Hier eine Übersicht.

Svenska YLE (Sweden/Finland) – Mammorna drack under graviditeten – nu kämpar Helmis och Mikko i vardagen

De som tagit skada av att deras mammor druckit alkohol under graviditeten får alldeles för lite hjälp och stöd. De kan ha det svårt med vardagliga saker som att hantera pengar och boende, säger två som drabbats, Helmis och Mikko. Årligen föds det mellan 600 och 3 000 barn med olika sorters alkoholrelaterade fosterskador.

Vyš (Slovakia) – Alkohol v tehotenstve: Málokto vie, aké šokujúce zmeny môže spôsobiť u detí!

Poznáte riziká pitia alkoholu počas tehotenstva? Medzinárodný deň povedomia o fetálnom alkoholovom syndróme (FAS), ktorý pripadá na dnes, upozorňuje na dôsledky konzumácie alkoholických drinkov, keď je žena v radostnom očakávaní. Aj pivo môže ublížiť!–Malokto-vie–ake-sokujuce-zmeny-moze-sposobit-u-deti-

DR (Denmark) – Derfor skal du ikke drikke under graviditeten: Fosteret får samme promille som moderen

Alkohol og graviditet er to ting, der ikke hænger sammen. Det bliver der sat fokus på i dag, fordi det er international Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)-dag.

Komentuok !

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