Ateikite į Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimus spalio 13 dieną!

Ateikite į Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimus spalio 13 dieną!

Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjunga šiuose Seimo rinkimuose bus pažymėta numeriu 8. Taip lėmė burtai. Tačiau rinkimus lems ne burtai...
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VRK organizuojamas burtų traukimas

VRK organizuojamas burtų traukimas Paaiškėjo, kad spalio 13-ąją vyksiančiuose Seimo rinkimuose Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos ir Igno Vėgėlės jungtinio sąrašo numeris –...
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Laidoje „Dienos pjūvis” pokalbis apie sveikatos sistemos problemas ir tragiškas pasėkmes

Laidoje „Dienos pjūvis” pokalbis apie sveikatos sistemos problemas ir tragiškas pasėkmes Rugpjūčio 12 d. 19.39 val. buvo gautas skambutis iš Kelmės rajono Šedbarų kaimo. Skambino moteris, kuriai prasidėjo sąrėmiai. Ji...
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Ar tai normalu?

Ar tai normalu?

Prie naujo „normalumo“ mus bando pratinti ne tik Olimpiada, jos atidarymo režisieriai, bet ir mūsų valdantieji. Jei mums atrodo, kad...
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Pokalbis su Ignu Vėgėle apie artėjančius rinkimus

Pokalbis su Ignu Vėgėle apie artėjančius rinkimus Politiniai oponentai ir valdžios propagandistai darė viską, kad toks susitarimas neįvyktų! Bet susitarimas buvo pasiektas! Du lyderiai - jungtinio...
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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 35/2016

Alcohol News –


The Independent – The truth about pilots and alcohol: the risks and the rules

Plenty of professionals in stressful jobs enjoy a drink. Some will occasionally binge, and small proportion may become alcohol dependent.

Science Daily – People with alcohol dependency lack important enzyme

A research group has identified an enzyme whose production is turned off in nerve cells of the frontal lobe when alcohol dependence develops. The deficiency in this enzyme leads to continued use of alcohol despite adverse consequences.

Science Daily – Researchers identify neural factors that predict adolescent alcohol use

Researchers have identified 34 neural factors that predict adolescent alcohol consumption. The list, based upon complex algorithms analyzing data from neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging studies, was significantly more accurate — approximately 74 percent — than demographic information alone.

Forbes – Why Music Companies Are Cashing In On Alcohol

In a quest to disrupt the alcohol industry, a new brand of premium wine called Electric Sky is making the rounds at music festivals across the nation, including AFROPUNK, Governors Ball and Life is Beautiful.

Medscape – Hospitalizations for Alcohol Linked to Increased Stroke in Low-Risk Atrial Fibrillation

Hospitalization for alcohol-related conditions is associated with a significant increase in the risk for stroke among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), even those deemed low risk for stroke, a new study suggests.

POLITICO Magazine (USA) – How Big Alcohol Is About to Get Rich Off California Weed

Moore than 20 years later, Hezekiah Allen remembers the Blackhawk helicopters hovering over his childhood home, the armed soldiers barricading the road to the family’s northern California pot farm, the neighbor who hang-glided to escape from the Feds.

Irish Examiner (Ireland) – Increase in women seeking help for alcohol addiction

In 2015, 93% of all women at the centre presented with an alcohol problem. In 2006, this figure was 74%.

Scotsman (Scotland) – Alcohol price plan ‘will harm biggest drinkers’

Plans to put a minimum price on alcohol could lead to an initial spike in hospital admissions among the heaviest drinkers, researchers claim.

BBC News (South Africa) – How drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm your child

Experts say that if a woman drinks alcohol at any time during pregnancy, she risks damaging her baby. South Africa is said to have the highest rate of a condition known as foetal alcohol syndrome. Louisa Bhengu is a doctor who specialises in the disease, and explains to Akwasi Sarpong how best to avoid it. (New Zealand) – Professors push for tougher control of alcohol

Professors Doug Sellman and Jennie Connor spoke in Richmond on Wednesday night about the „101 things the alcohol industry won’t tell you about”, particularly its link to chronic health issues such as cancer.

Business Insider Nordic (Norway) – Union threatens to block Norway’s only source of alcohol with strike

The Norwegian union Handel og Kontor is taking Norway’s national supply of alcohol hostage in ongoing negotiations concerning pension plans.

Malawi24 (Malawi) – Alcohol could be banned in Malawi: Govt urged to control beer consumption

With the way consumption of beer is becoming the order of the day for many Malawians, concerned organizations could be pushing government to ban alcohol, if their recent calls for government to adopt the Malawi National Alcohol Policy come incessantly and are anything to go by.

The Japan Times – Alcohol abstinence reduces recurrence of esophagus cancer: study

Alcohol abstinence halves the risk of esophagus cancer from recurring, Japanese researchers have found.

The Times (UK) – ‘No drink is safe’: health chiefs refuse to budge on stricter alcohol limits

Britons will still be warned that there is no such thing as safe drinking as the government shrugged off criticism of controversial alcohol guidance.

Psychiatry Advisor – Childhood ADHD and Adulthood Alcohol Problems: The Role of Emotional Impulsivity

According to CDC, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent developmental disorders, and approximately 11% of children 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD in 2011. – Tanzania: Grappling With Effects of Alcohol At Night Clubs

Violent behaviour in and around pubs, night clubs and Bars in Dar es Salaam presents a significant public health, criminal justice and urban management problem and in many of these incidents, alcohol has been consumed, according to a survey.

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