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Alkoholio užsienio naujienos – 39/2016

ESPAD – New ESPAD results: teenage drinking and smoking down, but concerns posed by new drugs and new addictive behaviours

Smoking and drinking among 15–16-year-old school students are showing signs of decline, but there are concerns over challenges posed by new drugs and new addictive behaviours.

Science Daily – Sleep habits, adolescent drug and alcohol use linked, shows research

A possible link between adolescent sleep habits and early substance abuse has been identified by researchers. The study found that both sleep duration and sleep quality during late childhood predict alcohol and cannabis use later in adolescence.

Scotsman (Scotland) – Wealthy Scots drinkers consuming hazardous levels of alcohol

The wealthiest Scots are drinking the most dangerous levels of alcohol, with 35 per cent of the richest households consuming hazardous amounts of drink compared to 18 per cent of the poorest households.

Plymouth Herald (UK) – Drink-drive alcohol limit should be lowered – say 77% of people in poll

Three quarters of people think that the amount of alcohol drivers are allowed to drink should be reduced, an official new poll has found.

Live Science – Alcohol’s Toll on the Heart: Bigger, Not Better

Drinking alcohol, even in moderate amounts, may increase the size of the heart’s left atrium, a new study finds. – Uganda: Alcohol Bill Gets Nod From Health Ministry, Civil Society

Government has welcomed the proposed Alcohol Drinks Control Bill 2016, saying it will help reduce excessive alcohol consumption in the country.

Radio New Zealand (New Zealand) – Call to curb alcohol marketing, cost, availability

An alcohol watchdog hopes a survey that shows more than one in four teens aged between 15 and 17 often drink a risky amount of alcohol serves as a sharp wake-up call.,-cost,-availability

Huffington Post UK (UK) – The Growing Number Of Older People Being Treated For Alcohol Dependence Is All Over Us Like A Rash

Each year that goes by, it is always a pleasant surprise to find something new to back up what has become irrefutable evidence. In this case, it is that older people of the ‘Baby Boomer’ Generation continue with hedonistic lifestyles into their later years well beyond that seen with any previous generation.

Health24 – Bipolar kids more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

A study showed that among young teens with bipolar disorder there was a much higher level of substance use than in the control group.

BBC News (Wales) – Doctors criticise alcohol minimum pricing block

Doctors have criticised a block on moves to stop alcohol being sold „cheaper than water” in Wales after MPs refused to devolve pricing powers.

Politicsweb (South Africa) – Our plan to reduce harm done by alcohol

The provincial government’s Alcohol-Related Harms Reduction Policy green paper has today been gazetted, and is now available for public comment.

BusinessTech (South Africa) – Drinking booze in Cape Town could get a lot harder – and more expensive

The Western Cape government (WCG) is proposing hard-line policies on alcohol use in the province – including higher prices, tighter trading hours, and a zero-tolerance approach to drinking among new drivers.

Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) – Cut liquor outlets, uni says

The University of Otago has compared its efforts to battle New Zealand’s drinking culture to ”bailing out the Titanic with a thimble” as it sets its sights on liquor outlets in the student quarter.

Smithsonian – People Feel More Tipsy if Their Friends Are Already Drunk

Throughout human history, alcohol has had an important place in many of the world’s cultures—oftentimes as a social lubricant. Now, a group of scientists have found that social settings might color a person’s individual experience when they’re out for a drink or two at the bar.

LocalGov – Binge drinking ‘social glue’ for students and young workers

Peer pressure and a ‘fear of missing out’ is driving binge drinking among students and young workers, study finds.

Norden – How does other peoples’ drinking affect you?

Young people, women, single persons and people living in urban areas are more likely to experience harm from others’ drinking in the Nordic countries. These are some of the findings made by the research network H20 Nordic that was established by the Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues in 2013. In the new publication “The ripple effect of alcohol – Consequences beyond the drinker” we outline the key findings of the research network and provide perspectives on how drinking affects us as individuals and as a society.

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